Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My little Man

So....Walker is all boy. I knew this for sure when his first word after "mamma" and "daddy" was "ball". and when he was 2 he explained to me in detail and with much excitement how one is to field dress a deer. He loves to play "cowboys" and go "camping" with all of his "gear" and constantly shoot his poor sisters and mother with his Nerf guns. Yep.....all boy. He amazed me, yet again, with a conversation we had tonight as I was tucking him in. The last couple weeks he has not wanted to go to school. This is odd because Walker is a social bug just like his Daddy. So....last week I finally got him to tell me why he has been dreading school. The reason.....a boy has been mean to him. My first thought was "well what did you do to him?" Walker can hold his own and does most of the time. But it seemed that this was just A boy being a bully plain and simple. So I tell him " if this boy is being so mean to you then go and tell the teacher. Have you told the teacher?" Nope. He has not. So I gave him specific instructions on how to go get a teacher if this happens again so we can be happy about school once again. So....this morning I remind him of the "teacher plan" and send him on his way. When I pick him up there is no mention of any incidents and I, in all honesty, didn't think about it till tuck in time. So I ask him.....was the boy mean to him today at school? Did you tell the teacher? He sat up and in his sweet little voice starts to explain to me the plan he had and carried out successfully. "Mom....I just went up to him and told him that I didn't like it when he is mean to me, and that it makes me feel sad. And then He (the mean boy) said okay....I won't be mean to you any more. " I sat on his bed with my mouth open. What a grand concept. Duh. Then he continues " Mom....this was much better than telling the teacher. I don't need to bother her with this. I just told him myself." WOW....excuse me....what??? You did this on your own.....By yourself? And the boy listened to you and was nice about it?!?!?!? "Yeah was...just.....yeah.....what I said." so I ask "do you think this boy will be mean again?" Walker "I hope not. If he is then me and my friends will be mean back." Hmmmmm.......well maybe you should tell the teacher. "ok mom.....but anyways do ninjas have guns and swords?"
So....our first bully situation has been resolved.....for now. But my little baby is becoming a boy. Wow.....that was fast.

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