Sunday, December 5, 2010

Faith Like a Child

We went to Furr's for dinner tonight....thought it would be yummy! Yuck....not at all!!! They must not have been busy at lunch cause I think we got the leftovers! While the kids were enjoying the jello Walker asked a wonderfully random question that only a four year old would ask. He was reffering to a neighbor of ours named Logan who passed away a couple of weeks ago at the age of 92...right after his 70th wedding anniversary! He and his wife Louise lived across the street form us. Anyways...back to the question..."Is Logan gonna come back to life?" Billy answers..."Nope....He is in Heaven with Jesus." Walker...." we will see him in heaven!" Billy...."Yep" Walker takes a few bites of blue jello and you can see the wheels turning..."But how will we find him? We won't know where he lives in heaven!!" So sweet. So we leave Furr's come home to Bath time followed by an assembly line of toothbrushes, and then story reading, back rubs, singing, and prayers. During Walker's back rub he has another wonderful question...."Mom?" Me..."HMMM?" Walker......"How does Jesus get in everyones heart? I mean if He is in my heart how is He in Your heart and Daddy's heart too!?!?! How can He do that!!!?" I then explain in 4year old language how Jesus is everywhere at all times. He looks at me and says "!" Faith of a Child

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday *1st Blog Ever*

Welp...I am doing it...I have started a blog. Not sure how good I will be at this but I am gonna try. So we go.....

Billy is out of town with work till Wed. so its just me and the kiddos for a couple of days. So I have to keep me and them busy so we don't go crazy. We went out to the mall for a little shopping tonight and some Chick-Fil-A. It went well.....just the normal...Walker dips his whole arm in his ketchup, Addi doesn't want to eat anything and Ashtyn tries to stand up in her highchair the whole time we were "eating". I really have learned to basically inhale all food when I am eating with the time I get their nuggets cut up, cooled off, ketchup strategically placed away from sleeves, and drinks in safe place, and my sandwich out of the sack someone manages to need something else, like 5 more napkins, more ketchup, or help because the youngest sister is trying to steal every ones nuggets! Oh but we love Chick-Fil-A. I wish everything ran as smooth as their drive thu......they are efficient! I need to learn to apply that kind of efficiency to our meal times!